//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Random Thoughts of a Lioness: February 2005

Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, February 28, 2005

A Walk Down Memory Lane - Birthdays (or at least the ones I remembered)

I cannot really recall my first birthday party except that it consisted of me, Abang, my parents, Mok (my nanny) and a pulut kuning (or nasi kunyit as we call it) with a single candle. I still keep a picture of that day - me trying to blow that lone candle with Mok cheering in the background. I don't think I remember anything else about it. What I gathered from my parents is that a few minutes after that pic was taken, they added two more candles so that Abang can blow 'his' birthday cake as well!

The second birthday went almost as ceremoniously. Me with a cake (a proper one this time - with icing and all!) and the same people around. I remembered the cake as being huge and yellow. This time, the pictures showed me and Abang blowing the candles together. One side there were 2, and the other 4. *Hmm... now it explains why Abang had more toys than me...he celebrates TWO birthdays a year!*

I don't have any idea how the next few birthdays were. The first official birthday party I had was when I was five. Nothing fancy schmancy, just a tea party with the kids from the neighbourhood. Some cakes, some jelly *sumi jeli manis, rasa segar agar-agar buaaahh..SUMI!!* and lots of laughter. I don't remember having any party packs or games, we kinda played our own games - the usual tol ppatung and greenspot while enjoying the sweets. Ooh, but I remembered what I wore though - my then fave white skirt with little hearts and a matching top. Not quite a smart idea since I managed to dirty it in every possible way!

When I was eight, Mama threw me a proper birthday party. One where school friends came. One with homemade animal masks and various party games. Oh, we had so much fun. We had games like 'kotok beracung', musical chair, pin the donkey's tail (but it was a kerbau instead of a donkey) and finally, tol ppatung (again?) and bola katok. We had plenty of cakes and pastries, as well as nasi kunyit, noodles and finger food to keep us going till dusk! I still remember the party as clear as day. Parents came too, and the elders had their own party getting to know each other. The good old days where neighbours were friendly and people are trustworthy *sigh*.

Later as a teenager, birthdays normally mean dinner parties with friends and a quieter celebration at home with the loved ones. And my 21st birthday - my first birthday away from the country, Kerry and the gang *bless them all* threw a surprise home-cooked party in my small flat. It was everything I wanted really - the people I loved, new friends and familiar food. They even tried to make karipap to make me feel more at home! My flatmates couldn't understand why I didn't celebrate THE birthday getting wasted somewhere, or hold a HUGE party for everyone. But looking at my friends actually enjoying cooking (and later finishing) the dish, they got sucked into the simple Asian birthday dinners. In fact, dear Nikolas and Chris celebrated their birthday our style that year - with Nasi Lemak as the main dish!

Now as I grew older, birthdays are usually just a day to remind me how much I've grown and how far I've been in life. No more surprises , no more big bangs of a party. In fact, I would actually be relieved if my birthday goes away unnoticed. Apart from wishes from those who matter most in my life, the girls would usually throw an all-girls dinner (aka the bitching session)..which we have every few months whenever one of us turned ..err..wiser.

And this year, as I soon turn *whispering a certain number*, all I wish for is to find that missing piece in my life, and work towards the fulfillment I always dream of. To be happy and grateful for just being alive, and breathing deeply into the air around me. And of course, to thank God for giving me everything I have all my life all these while.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Woo hoo! It's the weekend again!

Can't believe that Friday finally came. It has been an extremely LOOOOOONG week.

Amending packages after packages cannot be too great for the eyes, as I think I am seeing double now. Don't have the heart to let Kit do it all by herself. So, for this week, I am officially the highest paid clerk in this department!

All I wanna do know is go home and not to look at another cv, development plan or list of names for the next two days, at least!


*Gosh, that sound test is killing me. Dok bereti bereti dari takdi. Pekok doh tlinge*

Hope Cruella and CW don't hav any major changes to the package that might need me to come in on Sunday. *fingers crossed* I don't think I am ready to see this place until Monday. (Plus, I would like to think I have a life!)

Aaahh, finally the azan. Can go pray and start my weekend.

Have a good one, people!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Buster Identity

Buster came back yesterday complaining about the blog. No, not that he has anything against me writing nor is he unhappy with the content (because of course he doesn't read it, kan awak? *rolls eyes*). Then why are you complaining, I asked him. As soon as he told me why, I LMAO-ed.

Apparently, one of his office mates read blogs. In fact, she is an avid reader of the now-defunct-GK Times and Mokciknab. Having discovering the latter quite recently, she went on a spree reading all her entries. A few days back, she came to an entry where the guest list for the Nasi Dagang Party was revealed. She got so excited to see the names "Lioness and Buster". You see, Buster also calls me by the same name (as in Buster or Buster Buster or even Busta Rymes) when he answers the phone sometimes. So this colleague, who sits right next to him put two and two together. The only thing is she thinks Buster is the lioness!!

And oh boy, did she have a field day making fun of poor Buster! By today, almost everyone in the office were informed that Buster has a feminine side online. He is not a lion, but a lioness. Even his manager asked him why he calls himself a female cat. Speculations must be running wild there. Told Buster that they might even think he is being Queen controlled at home! *sly grin* But Buster being the gentleman, just smiled *through clenched teeth I assume!* taking it all. He didn't want to straighten anything, because as far as they think it's him who writes, they MAY not be tempted to look for the blog. (According to him, he'll be in deeper trouble if she knows what I write!)

So for now, Buster is lioness to his colleagues. A case of stolen identity? No-lah. Mistaken identity is more like it. But better him than anyone else. It is kinda funny when you think of it. But on the other hand, also scary. If the colleague does read this, I do feel a bit 'naked'. Hmmm...

Hang in there dear. They'll get tired of making fun of you soon *I hope!*.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Aren't our roads safe anymore?

Read the newspaper on the train this morning and found out that the High Court is ordering a retrial for a road bully case. I so totally agree. I mean, he got like 3 days of jail time and a fine of RM1,500 for hurting another human being! I've read cases of people stealing food get 7 years jail term - and these are poor people who had to resort to stealing. And what about that case where that poor guy was beaten to death recently?

With the number of road bully cases, I try to be extra nice on the road lately. I mean, people who has been in the car with me would know how impatient I can be with idiotic drivers. I'd honk, mumble and stare at them. However a couple of years back, I learnt my lesson. This car insisted to cut in front eventhough there was no space. Me, being young (er) and less patient at that point of time, moved forward and grazed his side mirror. The next thing I knew, he followed me all the way from Istana Negara up to Maluri! But since I turned into Shamelin and he had to go elsewhere, I was safe. That incident scared me enough not to pick fights while driving alone!

A few years back, it became dangerous to drive at night due to the numerous rape cases. I remembered reading the news on ladies being stopped on the road and kidnapped-raped-abandoned every other day! Ash, whose dad is with PDRM even forbade her to go out at night unless her car was filled with at least 3 people. She shared the information on many cases which was not mentioned to the press. *Brrr* That made me stay in at night for quite a while!

And now, with road bullies back on the road, and crazy express bus drivers terrorising the highways I prefer to take the train. Or let Buster drive me, normally on working days. I still love driving alone, but when the road is less occupied and especially when I need some time to myself. And yeah, I still LOVE the drive back to the east coast. The pit stops, the new highway, and the scenery. *Although with Buster, he insists on NOT making any stops!*

Aaanyway, back to the topic. Yup, the roads are not THAT safe anymore. The attitude of some Malaysian drivers is also a threat to the rest of road users. What's with the racing on a populated road? And with sms-ing and talking while driving? (I do it too sometimes *shame, shame*, but not to the extent of going into people's lanes!) Ni tak cerita lagi pasal the illegal bike racing and drunk driving on weekends! *sigh*

The Ops Sikap may have reduced the number of accidents, but the mentality of some drivers is yet to be improved. Hopefully, one day driving in Malaysia (KL especially) wouldn't be as traumatising as it can be now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Me..the Natural Realistic Romantic..*grin*

Since my printer is acting up, I might as well do this:

Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

Ooh, ooh, and this too:

You Are A Realistic Romantic

You are more romantic than 60% of the population.

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

So Buster, any poems or sunset picnics ready for me this coming March? *wink*

Monday, February 21, 2005

She's gone for good? Sigh..

It's Monday again. *pffft*

But after a week away from the office, I shouldn't be complaining. Free food (and a good spread to boot), great company, good looking trainers *sorry Bro, I just had to put that in!* and I can finally figure out the profile chart! The only thing is that I've probably put on sooo much weight that I should be banned from eating at all! So far, I've been in denial and refused to step on that scale!

It has been quite a calm day at the office so far. Cruella's in fair mood and CW has been out of my hair. Good. Will take this opportunity to finish my workload in peace.

After a week away from the cyberworld however, I was welcomed back with a sad loss. Dina Zaman's Gongkapas Times has been discontinued. *Arrrghhhh!!!* I know for a fact so many people have blogged and mourned over the loss of their morning coffee (or Milo in my case) but hey, I just found out. GK Times had been the cure of my addiction to Dina's Dalca, and I guess now I would have to resort to Rentakini to cure this addiction! Whatever it is, she is a great writer and she shall be missed sorely by her ardent readers.

Went to watch the Flight of the Phoenix with Buster, T and Widdy last weekend. Another Hollywood no-brainer action movie. But kinda interesting though..at least I didn't fall asleep. Abang has been complaining to Mama that T and I are always going out without him, but in defense - he is ALWAYS busy! Abang is even more upset to know that T has been bringing Widdy along, whereas to the rest of the family he won't even admit they are going out! Just hope that Mama's wishes that we see each other at least monthly works out after this, Insya Allah. By the way, Buster has put a terrible scenario after our outing:

B : Kalau T and Widdy works out, you'll be in deep trouble with Mama.

L : Bakpe pulok? Because I didn't marry someone from Terengganu?

B : No, because of Widdy and IJ's size. Maybe it is a good idea for both of us to start SERIOUSLY losing weight now.

L : *Bursts into a wail* .

You see, my mom has been hinting - directly, and not-so-directly, about Buster's size. And although he managed to shed all those pounds before the wedding, he kinda added them back on (plus some extras) after a year of marriage. And me? Well, let's just say it has been harder to look as nicely as before in those skirts lately. That just gave her more reason to nag us. If T does end up with Widdy, I'll be sindir-ed to no end. Widdy, a basketballer is stick thin. My sis-in-law IJ, a health freak, ex-model and occasional netballer is also extremely slim. Somehow, my love handles don't look appealing anymore. And no matter how often Buster tells me I don't look fat - I feel fat.

Started my Monday-Thursday fasting ritual today. And since tennis will start again this week, maybe this is the best time to regain my figure (hah!). Just hope Buster keeps to his promise of visiting the gym again soon. With Mama coming in April and SL's wedding in May, we have no time to waste!

Wish us two fatty boom-booms luck...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

It's Sunday already? Sheesh...

Yeah, am in the office on a Sunday. Been finishing up my 'homework' at..well..err..home *duh*, but needed to send a few email out before I leave for the training tomorrow.

The long weekend has been interesting and quite packed with activities. Apart from the grouch I had of not going back to KT, it was kinda fun. Wednesday saw me going nuts in IKEA buying mirrors and frames *and checking out other things!*, and on Thursday, T came over and we managed to hang all the mirrors in the living room and bathroom. Got myself a blister from scraping off the double-sided tape from the wall. Buster, with his hands still sore from swinging the clubs at the driving range, had fun drilling holes into the walls. Although he complained it worsened his hands *rolls eyes*

Caught Constantine on Friday. Cool movie - Buster calls it tahyul to the max. The ever broody Keanu Reeves is just so yummy! Poor T had his asthma attack, so we stayed in after that while he slept. Been a while since he got one. I hope it wasn't the dust from the drilling..

Buster's whole family came over for breakfast yesterday. Even little Honey *who was in an angelic mood the whole day*. Jiji, who saw the place for the first time, loved it. She insist I get a book rack since my books were found everywhere in both houses! Chu loved the wood ceiling and Nan Jatt scolded me for not buying a proper curtain clip for the drapes she got us! Yours truly ran out of ideas of what to serve them (I can't cook Nasi Lemak since my sambal is not great)so I fed them my kind of breakfast:

Wan's Recipe Shepherd's Pie
Bihun goreng
Pancakes with butter and honey
Waffles (with a choice of ice cream)
Teh tarik
Orange juice

They loved it! Especially the pie and pancakes. Daddy said it is an interesting change from our normal weekend breakfast. Kaa-ching! One point for the youngest daughter-in-law! *big grin*

Ooops, time to leave. Am kinda looking forward for next week's training (apart from the reasons quoted by famygirl) but am dreading the workload I'll pile up over the 5 days. Hope Kit will survive on her own. And since I don't know whether I'll get my hands on the computer or not, I might not even be updating. *sigh* Hope I'll get the chance though.

Have a great week, people!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Have a great CNY and Awal Muharram, everyone (or also known as THE LONG WEEKEND!)

For the first time I can actually say, thank God it's Tuesday! And I just love the past two days' traffic!!

With Chinese New Year looming tomorrow and Awal Muharram the day after, most working people here get a whole 5 days off work (9 for those who took yesterday and today off!). What a bargain! Have this list of things to do since we probably are NOT going back to KT *frown*(are we not Buster?). But at the same time, I was also given a mighty long list of things-to-do by Crazy Woman for me to complete. Since I will be away for a week for my certification, she went all panicky. Looks like I'll be coming to work after all.. *sigh*

But am determined to finally hang those pictures and mirrors at home this weekend. Been postponing it too long. It is high time to put the free drill I got buying Syntium to good use! Tapi kalu pasang renyok dok tahu lah guane..

Have a good break people. For those driving home, remember your loved ones or at least, Ops Sikap. The highway is not the place to try out your F1 skills. For those staying home, enjoy this long weekend - it is not often that we get this! And for those out the celebrating - Kong Hee Fatt Choy and don't go drinking yourself silly.

Will update if I happen to come to the office.

And my name is..

Took this off famygirl's blog.

My japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Of families and friends

Being locked up in the training centre for the past two days had its benefit.

Firstly, I got to be away from Crazy Woman and even crazier demands. Although she was supposed to be the one attending, she gave her normal excuse of not checking her mail (eventhough the organiser has her return receipt) and has some other 'important' meetings. *rolls eyes*

Secondly, I have learnt quite a lot about my unit - from everyone who are not in it. Ironic huh? The process owner herself refused to get equipped and so many others helped willingly.

Thirdly, I got to exercise quite a bit. They've refurbished both the gym and mini gym, and the run at the stadium was rather nice. And after the barbecue and other great food they served us, it was worth it. Ghosts? Didn't bump into any *Thank God!* Since I slept in the same room with Ms Sue and Fish-talking Friend, it wasn't so scary anyway.

After two mind draining days in the training centre, I drove home looking forward for the weekend. Spent Friday watching The Terminal with Buster at home. I like the movie. Maybe because I like Tom Hanks. *smile*

In continuing my quest of catching up with old friends, I said ok to seeing Aye, Trace and E on Saturday. That kinda put me in hot soup for a while since Saturday was supposed to be family day. Made up for it by joining them for lunch and shopping, as well as cooking them dinner, hehehe.

Seeing my PKTR friends was great. We couldn't believe it has been ten years since we've met each other for the programme! Trace now has a PhD in E&E Engineering and works off and on in Jakarta. Aye is the special aid to one of the prominent CEOs in Malaysia while E is practising in the AG Chambers. Makes me feel so underachieved!Aye reminded E and I on the pact we made in December 1995 - we were to go camping again after ten years. It's a pity that Chicken dropped himself from our radar (It was supposed to be four of us). Aye is the same old dependable guy. He is making it big for himself, and we are so proud of the guy. E..well, E is E. She is now facing one of the greatest dilemma of her life - her family or THE guy. I wish her luck..and hope that whatever she decides will be best.

Or she can wait for Aye and make good their 'contract'. I shall wait another 8 years to get an invite from both of you!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Selamat Hari Wilayah..

Yesterday was Federal Territory Day. Not that I am patriotic (No, Bro, I didn't wake up in the morning singing 'Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur'), but I was glad that we got the day off. Not only that I get to sleep in for a bit, I also managed to get quite a few things done *pats self at the back*.

After coaxing Daddy to loan me one of the girls in the morning, I packed Soom off to my apartment for a spring cleaning session. Armed with cleaning agents, old newspapers and a vacuum cleaner *err, not that I don't one of my own - but this is one of those fancy schmancy Rainbow cleaner!*, we left her to turn to apartment spotless clean. She didn't mind me not helping out, as long as I leave the radio on for her. 'Kakak tolong tukar siaran Era ya?' Found out that they air quite a number of Indonesian songs...although no dangdut ones Soom misses!

We managed to complete our round of errands, with a pit stop at Pak Ngah's to visit Emma. She just got her fibroid taken out, and was showing us her battle scars. Similar to MJ's case, Emma didn't know she had this thing growing in her uterus up till 2 weeks ago. And boy oh boy, did that thing grow. Apparently, the doctors extracted some ball-like creature the size of those botak coconut they sell at the supermarkets! Scary huh? It happens more and more nowadays, and to people I know! Some claims it is the lifestyle we lead and the food we eat in this day and age. That's it..I am going organic!

Yesterday evening we ventured into The Curve. I kinda like the set up, especially the open concept eateries. Something like a courtyard..very nice. Had the Paddington Pancakes - the Beef Pepperoni comes highly recommended! Soon, once the Cineleisure opens, I have a feeling it'll be my usual haunt apart from Tesco and Ikano.

Ooh, saw Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason. Not as good as the first movie not is it as good as the book, but of course.. The editing they do for our cinema viewing sucks. A number of times we don't know what was being said cos they wanna cut of the word 'screw' or 'f**k' - but shag was allowed. *grin*

I say, get a DVD copy. It'll be a better investment.