//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Random Thoughts of a Lioness: A Walk Down Memory Lane - Birthdays (or at least the ones I remembered)

Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, February 28, 2005

A Walk Down Memory Lane - Birthdays (or at least the ones I remembered)

I cannot really recall my first birthday party except that it consisted of me, Abang, my parents, Mok (my nanny) and a pulut kuning (or nasi kunyit as we call it) with a single candle. I still keep a picture of that day - me trying to blow that lone candle with Mok cheering in the background. I don't think I remember anything else about it. What I gathered from my parents is that a few minutes after that pic was taken, they added two more candles so that Abang can blow 'his' birthday cake as well!

The second birthday went almost as ceremoniously. Me with a cake (a proper one this time - with icing and all!) and the same people around. I remembered the cake as being huge and yellow. This time, the pictures showed me and Abang blowing the candles together. One side there were 2, and the other 4. *Hmm... now it explains why Abang had more toys than me...he celebrates TWO birthdays a year!*

I don't have any idea how the next few birthdays were. The first official birthday party I had was when I was five. Nothing fancy schmancy, just a tea party with the kids from the neighbourhood. Some cakes, some jelly *sumi jeli manis, rasa segar agar-agar buaaahh..SUMI!!* and lots of laughter. I don't remember having any party packs or games, we kinda played our own games - the usual tol ppatung and greenspot while enjoying the sweets. Ooh, but I remembered what I wore though - my then fave white skirt with little hearts and a matching top. Not quite a smart idea since I managed to dirty it in every possible way!

When I was eight, Mama threw me a proper birthday party. One where school friends came. One with homemade animal masks and various party games. Oh, we had so much fun. We had games like 'kotok beracung', musical chair, pin the donkey's tail (but it was a kerbau instead of a donkey) and finally, tol ppatung (again?) and bola katok. We had plenty of cakes and pastries, as well as nasi kunyit, noodles and finger food to keep us going till dusk! I still remember the party as clear as day. Parents came too, and the elders had their own party getting to know each other. The good old days where neighbours were friendly and people are trustworthy *sigh*.

Later as a teenager, birthdays normally mean dinner parties with friends and a quieter celebration at home with the loved ones. And my 21st birthday - my first birthday away from the country, Kerry and the gang *bless them all* threw a surprise home-cooked party in my small flat. It was everything I wanted really - the people I loved, new friends and familiar food. They even tried to make karipap to make me feel more at home! My flatmates couldn't understand why I didn't celebrate THE birthday getting wasted somewhere, or hold a HUGE party for everyone. But looking at my friends actually enjoying cooking (and later finishing) the dish, they got sucked into the simple Asian birthday dinners. In fact, dear Nikolas and Chris celebrated their birthday our style that year - with Nasi Lemak as the main dish!

Now as I grew older, birthdays are usually just a day to remind me how much I've grown and how far I've been in life. No more surprises , no more big bangs of a party. In fact, I would actually be relieved if my birthday goes away unnoticed. Apart from wishes from those who matter most in my life, the girls would usually throw an all-girls dinner (aka the bitching session)..which we have every few months whenever one of us turned ..err..wiser.

And this year, as I soon turn *whispering a certain number*, all I wish for is to find that missing piece in my life, and work towards the fulfillment I always dream of. To be happy and grateful for just being alive, and breathing deeply into the air around me. And of course, to thank God for giving me everything I have all my life all these while.


Blogger binx said...

is today your b'day? if it is... happy bday, girl/woman... hope your years ahead be filled with love & happiness.. :)

10:03 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Thanks binx. It is today actually. Was feeling mellow yesterday on the eve of it!

8:31 AM  
Blogger Blogger User said...

I don't remember having a decent birthday since my late father. No one care to remember, that's for sure! But I know Erja (my daugther)will do something when she grow up.

Happy birthday girl.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

Appy Bday! Sure yours not on 29th Feb??

Dont worry, if u r not wiser, u r older!

11:57 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

the jamie : Thanks for the wish. Tell me when your b'day is and I shall pencil it in my diary!*grin* No worries, daughters will definitely remember their mom's birthday and make it a grand affair!

DG : Thank you, thank you. Nolah, my year wasn't a leap year. Older? Unfortunately yes.

4:10 PM  
Blogger atiza said...

happy birthday girl *hugs*
enjoy it while you still can :)

5:13 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Thanks Atiza. *hugs back*

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lion3ss!

May age bring you wisdom and closer to that which you seek.


9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lion3ss!

Born are we to places we had not chosen. To where we end, it is but our own choice. With age, it is apparent our choices should be wiser.

May this birthday take you a year closer to that fulfilling destination.


3:33 PM  
Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...


Oh my god, i still remember the sumi jelly! Still got them or not nowadays?

I definitely love this post... :)

p/s: bila nak guna haloscan?? hehe

5:21 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

Ah, a fellow Pisces :-) Happy Birthday Lion3ss....may the another year in life bring you countless blessings...and this post reminds me of my own Memory Lane of birthdays...thanx for that trigger effect! :-)

5:46 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

excuse the typo: May the New Year or May another year :-)

5:48 PM  
Blogger elisataufik said...

Happy Birthday baby !!!! Nak ice-cream cake jugak ke?

9:40 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Oreos & 7E : Thanks for the wish, and for dropping by.

Leez : Hahaha.. I thought I was the only one! Now I think there are other companies selling sumi-like jelly. But that advert was so catchy kan? *Kena mintak tolong kalau nak install*

Marina : Welcome, and thanks for the wish. Happy (belated/early)birthday to you too.

Elisa : Nak, nak! Just realised Anis's is a day after mine. Did she get ice cream cake? Btw, she looks soooo like you!

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog you've got here lion3ss, I was looking for richly scented candle related information and found your site. I have a richly scented candle site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Stop by and check it out when you can.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading some of your posts lion3ss. I was looking for candle kit making related information and found your blog. I have a candle kit making site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Come and check it out if you get time :-)

2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lion3ss. I was looking for richly scented candle related information and came across your blog. Very good reading! I have a richly scented candle site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Check it out when you can :)

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lion3ss I am on a quest looking for information on romantic gift for a man. I ran across your blog doing a search and thought I would stop by to see if you had any information. Hey, it is nice to see that other people like the same things I do. Anyway thanks for the read.

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading some of your posts lion3ss. I was looking for richly scented candle related information and found your blog. I have a richly scented candle site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Come and check it out if you get time :-)

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading some of your posts lion3ss. I was looking for candle making related information and found your blog. I have a candle making site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Come and check it out if you get time :-)

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lion3ss. I was looking for aromatherapy candle related information and came across your blog. Very good reading! I have a aromatherapy candle site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Check it out when you can :)

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there lion3ss, I was just browsing, looking for candle making related information and found your blog. Very Nice! I have a candle making site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Please visit, check it out and enjoy!

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lion3ss I am on a quest looking for information on romantic movie. I ran across your blog doing a search and thought I would stop by to see if you had any information. Hey, it is nice to see that other people like the same things I do. Anyway thanks for the read.

5:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog you've got here lion3ss, I was looking for candle wax related information and found your site. I have a candle wax site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Stop by and check it out when you can.
If you have a site similar to mine and would like to exchange links, please contact me through my website.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading some of your posts lion3ss. I was looking for candle making related information and found your blog. I have a candle making site. You can find everything about candle supplies, gel candles, jar candles, and how to make your own candles. You'll find it very informative. Come and check it out if you get time :-)
If you have a site similar to mine and would like to exchange links, please contact me through my website.

1:06 AM  

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