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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, February 21, 2005

She's gone for good? Sigh..

It's Monday again. *pffft*

But after a week away from the office, I shouldn't be complaining. Free food (and a good spread to boot), great company, good looking trainers *sorry Bro, I just had to put that in!* and I can finally figure out the profile chart! The only thing is that I've probably put on sooo much weight that I should be banned from eating at all! So far, I've been in denial and refused to step on that scale!

It has been quite a calm day at the office so far. Cruella's in fair mood and CW has been out of my hair. Good. Will take this opportunity to finish my workload in peace.

After a week away from the cyberworld however, I was welcomed back with a sad loss. Dina Zaman's Gongkapas Times has been discontinued. *Arrrghhhh!!!* I know for a fact so many people have blogged and mourned over the loss of their morning coffee (or Milo in my case) but hey, I just found out. GK Times had been the cure of my addiction to Dina's Dalca, and I guess now I would have to resort to Rentakini to cure this addiction! Whatever it is, she is a great writer and she shall be missed sorely by her ardent readers.

Went to watch the Flight of the Phoenix with Buster, T and Widdy last weekend. Another Hollywood no-brainer action movie. But kinda interesting though..at least I didn't fall asleep. Abang has been complaining to Mama that T and I are always going out without him, but in defense - he is ALWAYS busy! Abang is even more upset to know that T has been bringing Widdy along, whereas to the rest of the family he won't even admit they are going out! Just hope that Mama's wishes that we see each other at least monthly works out after this, Insya Allah. By the way, Buster has put a terrible scenario after our outing:

B : Kalau T and Widdy works out, you'll be in deep trouble with Mama.

L : Bakpe pulok? Because I didn't marry someone from Terengganu?

B : No, because of Widdy and IJ's size. Maybe it is a good idea for both of us to start SERIOUSLY losing weight now.

L : *Bursts into a wail* .

You see, my mom has been hinting - directly, and not-so-directly, about Buster's size. And although he managed to shed all those pounds before the wedding, he kinda added them back on (plus some extras) after a year of marriage. And me? Well, let's just say it has been harder to look as nicely as before in those skirts lately. That just gave her more reason to nag us. If T does end up with Widdy, I'll be sindir-ed to no end. Widdy, a basketballer is stick thin. My sis-in-law IJ, a health freak, ex-model and occasional netballer is also extremely slim. Somehow, my love handles don't look appealing anymore. And no matter how often Buster tells me I don't look fat - I feel fat.

Started my Monday-Thursday fasting ritual today. And since tennis will start again this week, maybe this is the best time to regain my figure (hah!). Just hope Buster keeps to his promise of visiting the gym again soon. With Mama coming in April and SL's wedding in May, we have no time to waste!

Wish us two fatty boom-booms luck...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all, I've seen you. You are not fat.

second keep your sis in law away from me because then I will look fat!!

11:37 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Neither are you, dear. In fact, I would love to be able to look like you after
three kids!!

I wish I could keep my sis in law away whenever Mama is around! *LOL*

11:48 AM  
Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...

ok, you two should stop talking. NOW.

you're both NOT fat, ok!!



3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sis...I'm in town. Thought of buying you guys heavy dinner, But then again...you have a vision. And I have no intention of ruining it. heheh


4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton is once again having troubles with her personal life... 
This week Paris
Hilton's TMoble cellphone
was hacked. Apparently the list exposed several
A-list celebrities after the contents of her cell phone, including phone numbers
of her friends, were published on the Internet at the following site... http://paris-hilton-tmoble-list.blogspot.com/

5:23 PM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

FAT? Why worry.... lots of people find, "Voluptuos" ladies very sexy....

Anyhow, u got lots of friends that say u r not FAT.

In IT(ICT), FAT is File Allocation Table. Guess u r not that too.....

9:04 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Leez : Don't lah be jealous. We go walking/jogging together gether ok?

Bro : Hmmmph, trying to wiggle your way out huh?

DG : Alright! Shall call myself sexy from now on. Haha..

11:53 AM  
Blogger famyGirl said...

My Dear, you are NOT fat, and i am saying this sincerely...

9:21 AM  

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