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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Aren't our roads safe anymore?

Read the newspaper on the train this morning and found out that the High Court is ordering a retrial for a road bully case. I so totally agree. I mean, he got like 3 days of jail time and a fine of RM1,500 for hurting another human being! I've read cases of people stealing food get 7 years jail term - and these are poor people who had to resort to stealing. And what about that case where that poor guy was beaten to death recently?

With the number of road bully cases, I try to be extra nice on the road lately. I mean, people who has been in the car with me would know how impatient I can be with idiotic drivers. I'd honk, mumble and stare at them. However a couple of years back, I learnt my lesson. This car insisted to cut in front eventhough there was no space. Me, being young (er) and less patient at that point of time, moved forward and grazed his side mirror. The next thing I knew, he followed me all the way from Istana Negara up to Maluri! But since I turned into Shamelin and he had to go elsewhere, I was safe. That incident scared me enough not to pick fights while driving alone!

A few years back, it became dangerous to drive at night due to the numerous rape cases. I remembered reading the news on ladies being stopped on the road and kidnapped-raped-abandoned every other day! Ash, whose dad is with PDRM even forbade her to go out at night unless her car was filled with at least 3 people. She shared the information on many cases which was not mentioned to the press. *Brrr* That made me stay in at night for quite a while!

And now, with road bullies back on the road, and crazy express bus drivers terrorising the highways I prefer to take the train. Or let Buster drive me, normally on working days. I still love driving alone, but when the road is less occupied and especially when I need some time to myself. And yeah, I still LOVE the drive back to the east coast. The pit stops, the new highway, and the scenery. *Although with Buster, he insists on NOT making any stops!*

Aaanyway, back to the topic. Yup, the roads are not THAT safe anymore. The attitude of some Malaysian drivers is also a threat to the rest of road users. What's with the racing on a populated road? And with sms-ing and talking while driving? (I do it too sometimes *shame, shame*, but not to the extent of going into people's lanes!) Ni tak cerita lagi pasal the illegal bike racing and drunk driving on weekends! *sigh*

The Ops Sikap may have reduced the number of accidents, but the mentality of some drivers is yet to be improved. Hopefully, one day driving in Malaysia (KL especially) wouldn't be as traumatising as it can be now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wheels make some people go wild..

12:50 PM  
Blogger atiza said...

In the end, it all boils down to people's attitude.

12:53 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Speed demon, they are.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

Let us all start with ourselves.... be a defensive driver.... if they threaten u... beat them up! Just kidding.... do be a defensive driver....

9:33 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...


Ignore them. Base jenih dok reti base

11:21 AM  
Blogger RG said...

People only learn to swears when they start driving.

Be careful huh.

11:38 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

DG : That's why I keep my steering lock handy.. Just in case.

d'arkampo : Welcome. Memang dok reti base orang gining.

RG : How true! A friend told me she only swears in traffic jams!

11:51 AM  
Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...

that's why i don't drive anymore.


but, i should start again lah actually..

3:05 PM  

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