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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, June 28, 2010

Today, 10 months ago

Since I have been slacking (to put it mildly!) on expressing my thoughts here...thought I'd start with what happened since I left off.

After the whole drama with the H1N1 scare, I completed my course of Tamiflu and alhamdulillah, Lil Cub #2 (from now on let's call him Cub Adik) did not decide to see the world during that time. But he didn't decide to come out after that either. After daily calls to my gynea, we decided on a date - 28th August 2010 to induce him should he doesn't come out. We kinda chose the date cos it wud be exactly 3 years, 2 weeks apart from Lil Cub.

I was sooooooo super sensitive waiting for the date. Mama was getting restless of being cooped up in the house kept asking when I'd deliver and why can't I deliver 'normally'. Eventhough deep inside I knew she meant well and was worried about me, I can't help but cried and hated the questions! that plus the frequent sms-es from all over asking why haven't I popped. Trust me, being over a week overdue with no signs whatsoever can get to you BIG time...hahaha.

So, when 28th came (and NO, Cub Adik showed no signs of coming out even then!) we woke up for sahur, and sent Lil Cub and Mama to Abang's place before we registered ourselves at the hospital. It was about 6:30 am, and the moment I stepped into the labour room to be induced, there was a loud howl from the room next door. She actually screamed!! Only then that I realised that I am giving birth..again! I can't really remember the actual birth pain of Lil Cub as I was totally numb waist down (thanks to epidural!) during then. I was quite open to the option again this time around but decided to try my best not to.

4 hours had passed and although I dilated well and had very regular (not to mention painful) contractions, Cub Adik has his own mind. He refused to come down and maintain still high in the canal. The gynea came and went every hour, nothing changed. By then, the pain has become excruciatingly bad that I agreed to get pain relief - only not too much as to be able the sensation once I needed to push.

The midwives and nurses are convinced we'd be able to deliver by noon, as I was already like 8cm dilated by 11. Abang dropped Mama on the way to Solat Jumaat to be able to witness yet another birth of her grandson. Another 2 hours passed and no, he still is enjoying his stay in the tummy although I was fully dilated. By 2pm, the gynea came and said - That's it! Looks like Adik needs a little coercion to get out. At the end, at 2.57pm, with a couple of strong pushes and the help of the forceps, Cub Adik came out screaming - obviously hated the idea of being forced out of his comfort zone..hahaha. A bouncing 3.6kg bundle of joy entered our life. Even from then we knew he would be a strong one, with the mind of his own.

Lil Cub came a visiting later that night...cuddling with Cub Adik and a very tired Mummy on that small bed. It'll be an adventure having 2 (oops, I mean 3, haha) boys at home, but I couldn't be happier.

I love you boys!


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