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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Friday, April 29, 2005

Oh no, my eye candy is gone!

Constantine @ the rocker that has crossed to the 'light' side has been voted out!! Much to everyone's shock and surprise. So much for Emm's theory that he'll win this year. Crocy will be soooo disappointed that 'his Const' is gone *Now, now dear, don't cry. We'll bomb Gurun ok?* And me? I am just upset that my eye candy won't be around next week. Am still rooting for Bo and Vonzelle. Fortunately (or was it UNfortunate?) for me the ever-so-eager Buster has already read the results on the net and hinted:

"Mesti awak terkejut results malam ni. Tak sangka!"

Like d-uh. The only people I can think off who'll I'll be shocked would be either Bo or Constantine...so I kinda figured it out.

The office was supposed to be a quiet place today, but Crazy Woman decided to make it 'merry' by snapping at Kit the whole morning. I just ignored her totally. It was more fun answering calls from clients rather than entertaining her mood swings. *PFFFT!* Thank goodness for girlfriends and long Friday lunch hours. After a round of girly talks *giggle giggle* and ice cream and browsing in book stores, I feel so much better.

Am soooo looking forward to the long weekend. Wan is in KL so we're gonna pick her up from Pak Chik's and bring her to our place. Hahaha..Buster will be fighting for the remote with her tonight - Forum Perdana vs Star World! *And to think of all the fun I'll have listening to Buster trying to talk in Terengganuspeak!*

Happy Labour Day, everyone.

Mood of the day : Grubbin'


Blogger binx said...

how nice it is for u to have the shopping heaven in the same building as ur office.. Plus a long lunch break? no fair laa like dat..

nway.. enjoy the long weekend.. will be leaving for umrah on monday..


9:14 PM  

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