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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Bunga pujaan..

Taken from famygirl's blog:

blue periwinkle
Blue is the color of intelligence and
faithfulness, but also of infinity and dreams.
Periwinkles represent friendship, memory
and gratefulness. You must be a very clever
person, a little clumsy or shy, and inspite of
your intellect, you are very dreamy.

What flower - color association are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

It is interesting that it describes me quite closely. Now, if you'll excuse me..I need to go dream for a bit!

Mood of the day: Withdrawn


Blogger EARTH2IAN said...

i'm reading your blog and am reminded of growing up in KL. i like your writing style - it's very postmodern. look me up some time. i'm at earth2ian.blogspot.com

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alahai Lion3ss,

Cantiknya bunga periwinkle tu. Kucing saya suka tanam pokok bunga tapi lepas tu dia berak kat situ. Kucing saya jahat, kan.

ray and the periwinkle cats

3:35 PM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

Lioness, everybody have something in common.... I like blue, but not so much of those flowers....

3:50 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

earth2ian : Welcome. I take it you've been away for quite some time? Btw, I love the shits you took!

ray and cats : Hahaha..kalau macam tu they have to tanam pokok misai kucing. Maybe if it's their own they won't 'kotorkan' pokok tu.

DG : You don't like flowers? Laa..*strikes off DG's name from flower sending list*

4:19 PM  
Blogger binx said...

wow.. a clever, intellectual yet dreamy and clumsy girl.. what a combo laa..

u sound very very interesting..

me love flowers.. esp lilies *hint* *hint* add me to ur list..


8:58 PM  
Blogger EARTH2IAN said...

thanx lion3ss. I've been away for about 12 years. I try to go back to Malaysia every other year. My friend's getting married next year so I'll be back in KL again. Wooohooo!!! Can't wait to eat home food and go shopping! I'm headed out to Japan this year. Originally wanted to do a stopover in Tokyo then head back to KL back not enuf vacation from work. -ian

1:53 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

binx : Clumsy and dreamy..yes I am! I love lillies too, although my fave flower is orchid. *puts binx's name into list*

ian : Soooo sorry about the typo - I meant to type "the shots you took" ..but the letter i came in! *hangs head in shame* That is a long time away from home. But since you do come back often enough, I guess it's alright. Food and shopping - I like!

10:29 AM  
Blogger Blogger User said...

lion3ss, I did mine and I'm a purple violets which is apparently too nice and love others a lot!

No good... no good...

12:42 PM  
Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...

i'm a red orchid... excerpts include:

"Red is of course the color of love and
passion, but also of chivalry and courage.
Orchids represent fervour and eroticism."

EROTICISM?? Hahaha... true! true! *Blush*

2:32 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

TJ : Well, nothing bad about being nice and love others!

Leez : Hehehehe.. Only one person can vouch for that! *Dials Woodster's number*

3:12 PM  
Blogger the intrepid traveller said...

Green is the color of sanity, growth, balance and harmony. Ivy represents attachment and eternal love. You are down-to-earth and simple, you always keep cool and your aim is just to live happily and love your family circle.

Hmm..i would have thot I was more zanier..hehehe

12:26 AM  
Blogger the intrepid traveller said...

Green is the color of sanity, growth, balance and harmony. Ivy represents attachment and eternal love. You are down-to-earth and simple, you always keep cool and your aim is just to live happily and love your family circle.

Hmm..i would have thot I was more zanier..hehehe

12:26 AM  

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