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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Sometimes, you just don't know who to trust anymore.

The newlyweds came over from JB recently and over our brownies, this conversation took place:

Me : I promise we'll have a proper dinner outing the next time around. And this one's on me.
Hepsy : We'll take it as our wedding gift lah, ok?

Buster & I looked at each other, perplexed.

Gorgeous : Hey, Hepsy didn't mean it that way. You know your presence that night means more than any present.

*Uncomfortable silence*

Me : Err..Steve, you did get our card right?

Gorgeous : Of course, a very nice one indeed. Hey, let's not make this an issue. We don't expect presents lah awak.

Me : I know, but hmm..you did get the angpau right? The one in the card? The one I left with your sis?

The surprised look on their faces told me that they didn't. Hepsy's pretty face turned into irritation. Apparently, they didn't get anything else from us apart from the card. And apparently, our 'gift' wasn't the only angpau that went missing.

The thing was, Buster already had second thoughts about leaving the card with Jay & Fly when he saw her opening the envelope. But since they were his family, we decided not to think ill of the situation. But how a person could do that to your own sibling is beyond me. Not only that according to the couple, Jay & Fly didn't even offer to help with the wedding - but to steal their angpau is a bit too much. Maybe I am the only one who thinks this - but aren't siblings suppose to help one another? And after what Gorgeous has done to help them when their parents disowned her once upon a time ago? It disgusted me to the core. I didn't show it to them, but Gorgeous kinda read my mind.

He told us quite a lot about Jay & Fly, which (although do not justify what they did) made clearer sense on their actions. Not that I forgive people for doing things like this to their family. I guess it bugs me to see family members stabbing each other on the back. Or steal from them. Coming from a close-knitted family, I can't imagine Abang or T doing such things. But it is happening, this is not the first one I hear. I just pray that Allah spare us from ever having to go through it.

Steve & Hepsy, am so sorry. We'll make it up the next time you come over.

To Jay & Fly - I just hope one day you'll come to your senses and realise that what you do might just lose you the only people who still care about you.


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