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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, August 30, 2004

The Colour Palette

Gosh, I didn’t know choosing the right colour for such a tiny apartment could be so tiring!

Since dear Jack has finished with the ceiling (bless him!), it is time to paint the walls. I have had this plan in my head that my apartment will be a mixture of colours, and each room would have a different theme. Unfortunately, with the flooring and furniture I decided upon I guess the only room that might be slightly different would be the study room *sigh*. I am putting my foot down on that particular room – no built-in cabinets, no fancy curtains – just a place where I’ll have my books, computer and a daybed.

After the showing Aboh my apartment (he likes it by the way!) and what would be T’s apartment in 3 month’s time, we decided to go paint shopping.

To match everything else in the house, I had to decide on something cream-ish or brown-ish. All the colours John should us were of the same shade. Ve-rry boring ones. Buster and I couldn’t agree on any of our choices and things got a bit tense. He prefers ‘safe’ colours *rolls eyes* while I refuse to have my home to look like a hospital. Aboh said he couldn’t help much for his eyesight may not do the colour justice. >*It’s ok Aboh, it means more than enough that you came along..*.

Thank goodness for Wendy. She came in and realised that I was almost in tears looking at what they call ‘Bali Shades’ and asked me what I wanted. At this point, she told Buster not to say anything about my ideas for the bedrooms. Told her I always wanted something peachy and in a few seconds, she showed me the nicest shade of cream with a tint of peach. I was sold. The study room is now going to be white with a fade shade of green, while one of the walls in the dining area will be of a darker shade of brown (seahorse or something). It took us almost three hours!!

Left the shop feeling more excited and can’t wait for the next one month. For now, the cans of paint can wait in the car while I cook chicken rice (again?) for the family.

Now, where does IJ keep her rice cooker?


Blogger elisataufik said...

Don't worry.. you can always repaint if you end up not liking it. Taufik has painted my living room , like , 6 times already.

btw, thanx for the birthday wish :)

1:22 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Glad to know your birthday went ok. Hope this first choice of colours won't disappoint me. They'll start tomorrow - wish me luck!

3:14 PM  

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