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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It's Casa Impian Time - The lion3ss Way

The flu bug has decided to stay a little bit longer this time. Hence, I am left with a limited sense of smell and taste for the past couple of days. Even the beef bowl in Yoshinoya last night didn't taste as good as it always is *sigh*.

Went to see the progress at home last Saturday. It is almost done, and am glad to say that it was done very nicely. Now to start searching for other things like the sofa, bed for the guest room, etc etc..the list is endless.*ARRGH! lion3ss thinks she just just heard her credit card scream!*

Saw this absolutely gorgeous teak daybed-like sofa in TTDI market *drooling*. It looks so antique and I fell in love with it at first sight. And best of all - it'll go so well with the new home concept! However, the price is a bit on the high side, and although Abang is funding a certain amount as a belated wedding gift (hehe, thanks Abang!),I seriously think it is a bit too much. Maybe I'll have better luck (and better value for money!) when go scouting around in the teak places this weekend. Buster is not as agreeable to it though. He agrees it is indeed beautiful, but he had already bought my earlier plan of an L-shape sofa. I think T too, since these boys just love to be couch potatoes in front of the telly *sheesh*. Haven't made up my mind yet. Hopefully I'll have something by the time Jack is done with the final touches next week.

I am also looking for those wood craving 3 Quls and Surah Kursi (the guy in the market wanted to sell one to us for a 'discounted' price of RM800!!) Am contemplating of ordering it from Terengganu. I love the carvings we have back home, especially the mirror frame with Mama and Aboh's initial.

Hmm, shall bring up the idea with Aboh tonight. Till then, will definitely keep eyes and ears open for other ideas and suggestions. *lion3ss flips open her Anjung Seri, Homestyle and other magazines for the gadzillionth time*


Blogger elisataufik said...

besut kan ada that guy yg ukir kayu tu...
Can order and get reasonable price from him or not?
I used to visit his house time raya (teringat kat pintu kayu rumah dia).. tapi now that my grandparents are gone, and my mom pun dah jarang balik besut, segan pulak nak gi melawat, because I don't remember their names.. *malu*..

10:48 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

But heard that it might be as expensive. Aboh hasn't got back to me on it..so keeping my fingers crossed!

5:55 PM  

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