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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, March 27, 2006

Oh dear..

A dear relative is planning to get married to her long time beau this year. They've been going out for almost 6 years, and I guess it is the most natural thing to do at this point.

I am happy for Nyna. I am so glad that both her and the bf lasted this long, and taking the next step. I look forward to her having a family of her own, so that our kids can grow up together like we did when we were little.

So why do I have this disturbing feeling and bits of worry about the whole thing?

As long as I knew him, her bf has always been panas baran. I have heard them fight, and it is not a nice sight. My other cousins and I have heard how overly sensitive he can be if she doesn't pick up his calls on time. And how sad he can make her by scolding her for the tiniest things. That and his tak kisah way of supporting himself. Call me spoilt, but I personally would find it hard to regress if I am already brought up comfortably by my parents. And I know for a fact that has been the case for Nyna as well. Being the only daughter, she has been showered with almost everything! I understand that not everyone thinks a degree is necessary to be successful and I respect that. I NEVER look down on what people do for a living. For me, as long as they are ikhlas and berusaha besungguh-sungguh, the rezeki will be theirs. I just wish he strives better, that's all. It might look workable now, but I just don't want them to end up arguing about this later.

I know he has his good sides. He was one of the firsts one to rush to her side when she went through a sudden loss. He tries his best to be around whenever he can. He puts in extra effort to prove to everyone that he is worth it.

He is not too keen on hanging out with our family whenever we meet. He'd rather sit alone at one corner than join us for a chat. Not that we don't include him, we try to. But he feels uncomfortable, which leads to make us feeling bad. This soon will lead to frustration on Nyna's side, and a further misunderstanding between them. I wish he'd stop feeling inferior, because none of us are judging him. My greatest fear is that we'll lose Nyna once they settle down because the hubby doesn't feel like hanging out with us,

I love Nyna and hope that all turns out well. Pray with me, ok?


Blogger famyGirl said...

maybe Nyna should buat solat istikharah?

12:55 PM  
Blogger Lollies said...

you call her often and pray for the best for her. And marriage would be a happy one.

5:44 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

famy : Yups, told her the same too.

Grey Pilgrim : I am sooo bad at this guessing game! But thanks for stopping by. Went to your place, but no entry there...hmmmm..

Lollies : Thanks dear.

6:15 PM  

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