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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, March 20, 2006

Am I Doing Enough?

Have I read enough to ready me for this?

Am I providing enough spiritual foundation for us both at this stage?

Did Lil Cub suffer when my BP dropped?

Am I not eating enough for us?

Is there any way for me to know that I am doing all I can?

Darling, I am sorry if I am not at my best at times. I promise I'll try to be better. I love you Lil Cub. I might not have shown it as much, but bear with me for I am learning too. Don't give up on me, ok?

Gosh, sometimes I wish I am Superwoman..*sigh*


Blogger MDR said...

hi dear..r u ok? those are all the questions that play in my mind everyday...and a million more..*sigh*..u take care ok..

1:58 PM  
Blogger elisataufik said...

relek, relek...
biasalah first time mother.. (tengoklah nanti.. anak kedua, tiga and seterusnya.. main hentam aje nanti)
The trick is to not to overindulge, in anything. Keep things sederhana. Jangan terlalu sikit, jgn terlalu banyak, except for doa to Allah (yang itu, banyak2 pun okay).
Nanti risau banyak2 pun tak elok for the baby kan?
keep cool, just make sure you eat well, and ikut nasihat yr Ob/Gyn (take all the vitamins dia kasi).
Good Luck and stay happy!

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

relek aa sis...Polar Bear yg tak pergi sekolah pung molek2 orait je anak dia. Zamang le ni..jadi mende2 pelik, you google je. Then you'll get all the info + instruction.

Cool gak kalau you "superwoman" kan? Nanti anak you boleh gi sekolah kat "Sky High".


12:24 PM  
Blogger famyGirl said...

you'll do fine... don't worry. first baby memang rasa we are never doing enough :)

recite surah yusuf, surah luqman and surah maryam byk2.

during my pregnancy with sofea, my obgyn suggested my husband to take me out for steak :p some prescription eh?

2:56 PM  
Blogger kimster said...

the main thing is to do all you can and not worry too much.

10:15 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

marina : Tell me about it. Everyday ada je things that I think about! Thanks *hugs*

elisa : Thank you Mama Elisa! Baru ni jumpa ObGyn macam macam tanya..hehe. When she asked whether I dah feel baby move ke belum I panicked sebab I haven't!

bro : Tu Polar Bear. Tapi bset kan kalau anak I ada super powers, kuar kuar terus angkat mommy dia.

famy : Should tell doctor to tell Buster that too! Thanks..

kimster: Thanks. Erja turned out well, kan?

11:24 AM  

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