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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Friday, March 21, 2008

T becomes a hubby

Seems it was like yesterday when I first held him on my lap (and yeah, I have a picture of it too!). I can still remember him as a toddler riding at the back of my tandem bike, his first day at kindy (where I had to accompany him for 2 weeks!), and the weekends he was over my apartment during his college days. How time flies...

Last week, on National Election Day, my little brother got married. He woke me up by joining Lil Cub and me on the bed, and telling me it was his big day that day. And indeed it was, for he was starting a new life with his beloved Widdy (who hails from Tranung. Mama's wish to have at least ONE menantu from there came thru!)

It was a whirlwind of activites those three days, starting on the 8th itself. T was officially a husband with the acceptance of the akad (hehehe..2 kali pulak tu. First time tertinggal 'lah'). Surprisingly, I didn't shed a single tear at the time! It was an emotional moment for Mama, Aboh and Mak Ngah though.

The Sunday saw us going as a rombongan again to Widdy's house (they had a big banner in front of the house - kalah calon parti kunci ok?) for the sanding and kenduri. They looked so berseri-seri in their green pelamin! The rest of the family were in purple, including little Ira & Lil Cub. We left T after lunch, and from there on he was on his own..hehehe.

The 'sambut menantu' in our home took place the next day. With my cousins' daughters as flower girls, the occasion started off well, and went on that way till the end. Poor Aboh looked so tired that night, and the newlyweds slept at almost 1 am helping us to clean the house!

They are now away for their honeymoon, and I guess to also start getting used to living as a married couple. They have quite big decisions to make, as one resides in KL and the other is practising law in good ol' Tranung. Whatever they decide, I am sure it is for the best. But if the decision involves T going back to his hometown...I will definitely miss my nearest and dearest support. He has always been the one I run to and talk with whenever I feel down. No, not because his house is 5 mins away from mine, but because over the years...we have grown so close to each other.

I LOVE YOU BROTHER! *enters song from that man in white from the American Id0l audition*

Selamat Pengantin Baru T & Widdy. May you have a marriage filled with happiness and laughter, and many tiny 'Happy Feets' soon.

*Oh shoot...now I am tearing up!*


Saturday, March 01, 2008

Am I suppose to feel different?

I have moved up a decade in age. And surprisingly, I don't feel different.

Yeah, I am at least 2 sizes bigger than I was before.
And I am now a mother to a boy.
I feel more matured...and I hope I act like one too!

Apart from that, I didn't feel the need to run away to reflect on life (like Sheena - who took a few days off to be in Bal1!).

But yes, there are things feel I need to step up regarding how I run my life. Especially when it comes to family (time to start keeping in touch with members outside the usual suspects!), responsibility. And of course, self fulfilment.

Remind me from time to time, yeah?