//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Random Thoughts of a Lioness: November 2006

Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Friday, November 24, 2006

Playing nurse

My Lil Cub had his first fever two days ago. We came back from his nursery and he was feeling a bit warm. He did the nasty (our codename for vomit) on me on our way up and was quiet all the way. I had time to pray and sterilised all his feeding equipment before I changed him. And all these without a word from him. Took his temperature - it was a whopping 39.2 degrees! Put on my jeans and took him straight to the clinic while sponging him in the car. At the clinic his temp went higher - it only went down 45 mins later after his meds kicked in.

The night saw me waking up almost every hour checking up on him. I even had a nightmare about him being sick. But the best experience is waiting for him to wee wee. Since the kind doctor needed a urine sample, we had to collect it early in the morning. We waited one whole hour to get him to do his business! And he was actually giggled at us when we sighed relief!

Lil Cub is better today. I left him in the hands of his adoring fans(ie Daddy's & SIL's maids) under the supervision of Jiji. Plus, his cousins are around to look after him. Can't wait to go back and see him.

On another note - work is getting rather hectic nowadays. I hardly have time to do anything else, even during lunch. My only quiet moment is during my milk expressing sessions..of which I do in the filing room..hahahah! I managed to get out of travelling to East Malaysia, thanks to my superior who thinks that I should be with Lil Cub since he is recovering. Plus, Buster will be travelling again next week, this time to Jedd@h for 5 days *sigh*. Lucky this time, but I guess it won't be for long.

Well, it's half past five. Time to go back to my darling.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Presenting...Lil Cub!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lil Cub at 3 hours old

At at one month, 28 days. His Majlis Aqiqah..

At 2 months of age

Lil Cub's first raya


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

That was a long break, wasn't it?

Yes, I am back. Actually I have been back at work for a week since last Monday. But you know how it is - files piled up on the desk, e-mail to read and replied to, and getting back into the groove basically.

During the 3 months I was away, between feeding Lil Cub and attending to his every need, I've been writing quite a lot - mostly in my notebook. Shall make an effort to transfer it here.

Oh yeah, Buster and I have been blessed with a male cub. Eirfan was born weighing 3.2 kgs and standing at 51 cm. He is now almost 3 months-old, cheekier than ever. He laughs, coos and smiles so very often now.

Lil Cub is quite an easy baby. He only cries whenever he is hungry and sleepy. He feeds often (and a lot!) But he has established a sleeping routine that favours his mommy. That little dear only wakes up at midnight for his last feeding of the day and lets me sleep all the way till Subuh! And even when he wakes up in the morning, he'll be smiling and chatting away (in his unrecognisable baby sounds) all by himself till one of us picks him up.

He started 'school' the day I started work. It breaks my heart every morning to leave him at the nursery, but hey - that's the way things are. The first day of him being there saw me crying and him smiling at his 'classmates'. Hehehe.. But I am glad for the quality time we have in the car, especially our morning rides - me singing and him grinning away (I bet he is just laughing at how silly his mom looks!). The downside of having him in a place near the office is that he has to go through the jam with me every evening. Most of them time he gets irritated and goes to sleep. I wish I could do that too!

Oh dear, lunchtime is over. Will definitely try to update again soon.