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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Kerteh Chronicles - Part II

Monday, 13th December 2004

Heard on the news this morning that the flood has turned from bad to worse. More people are being relocated, and up to this hour, three people are feared dead. *Brrrr* It has stopped raining cats and dogs though, thanks to Golden Girl's marvelous singing last night.

We are still waiting in this 'bored' room for someone to attend to us. This particular plant sucks in hospitality so far. Ah well, they say when it rains it pours!

Here we are in this cold,cold place
Our hands are frozen
Ice chips are forming on our faces
It's raining outside
Floods are everywhere
The rivers forever on high tide.

'How are we going home?'
We keep asking ourselves
'This is Kerteh, where can we roam?'
No where to go, except the observation dome!
No trips into the plants
Despite all our rants
In a van with a guide
So far, that's the best we got
After hinting and whining with all our might.

Last we hear
The roads are still closed
Families started asking
Why we stay on this coast
The husbands are worried
But calling is what they can do most.

We sigh in despair
Becoming unrest
Uncertainty too much to bear,paranoia slowly sinking in
Allah is giving us a test
Trying us to figure out what all these mean
Shall try not to worry
Stay calm in the adversity
And pray that we all live to share the story..

lion3ss: 11.16 am 13/12/2004


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