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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Kerteh Chronicles - Part 1

Sunday, 12 December 2004

We arrived late last night. The drive itself was ok, but it was pretty slow since we needed to avoid those water holes and strain our eyes to drive in the rain. The fact the Mrs Chip can't drive at night meant I was at the wheel almost all the way.

Reached Kemaman at almost nine. Stopped by this new eating place called Teratak Progresif (we can't figure out why it is named as such!) and managed to catch a picture of Ikang Kappah (Cotton fish) for Beta Blogger. The food was good and most importantly, quite cheap. Amazing how two rather medium sized girls could finish one large fish, two bowls of tomyam, veggie and a plate of steam rice EACH in 20 minutes!

By ten, checked in and got ready for bed. Watched some silly Cerekarama on TV3. Funny thing was, although it was really stupid I watched it till the end. Thank God today's programme started at 0900 hours! Also heard on the late night news that all roads leading to KT and the old Kuantan-KL highway are closed due to the flood. *eeek!* Am praying hard that it'll get better soon.

The trip was alright. Got a glimpse of Bro at his workplace. It was so funny looking at him all red-eyed and blur after a 12-hour shift. He was just lucky Mrs Chip and I decided to spare him from the endless questions we planned to grill him on his job!

Am leaving for the spa. Since today ended rather early, we are sooo going for the much anticipated pampering session. And tonight - baked crabs, chilli prawns and croaking away in Spice Island! *crossing fingers that it won't contribute to the rain*

lion3ss: 1649 hours:12/12/2004


Blogger Bustaman said...

Teratak Progressif? I hope they get progressively better.

9:24 AM  
Blogger beta-blogger said...

Thank you for the ikang kkapas. What an ugly brute. But does it taste good, like the monkfish? You have brought back to me many fishes - jebong, kerapu, and now, kkapas. Thanks. I shall use the kkapas someday, maybe in Kecek-Kecek.

6:56 AM  

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