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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

When The Going Gets Tough, The Though Goes Shopping

It is that time of the year again..

When people line up in front of the mall 1/2 before it's opening hour..

When you spend your money senseless..

And swipe the cards faster and more often than KTM Commuter trains..

Yup, it is the Mega Sale Carnival again..and I haven't been shopping myself!!

There are so many occasions these two months. August alone will see about 5 birthdays of close friends and relatives, and another 4 in September PLUS two weddings that I won't be forgiven if I don't show.

So last weekend Buster and I braved ourselves to finally roam ALL the shops in OU and managed to get 4/9 gifts needed. Not too bad! Saw the HP pumps I wanted, but it wasn't on sale in HP itself. It was 10% in some of the other stores, but funny enough it was listed as New Arrival. Yeah right, I have been eyeing it for months!

There are so many things I wanted to get for Buster and myself. With the promise of the bonus and miniscule increment the I-want-everything side of me already has a mental picture of the shopping bags would bring home but looking the financial and other plans I guess the more practical side of me took over. *Get the presents first, put aside the money for the trip to JB, pay off credit card in full, etc etc*

One joy about getting gifts for some of these people is that delightful smile you see on their excited faces when they open the presents. A priceless moment that'll make you forget your own wants momentarily. *bliss*

Oooh, but I still do wish sometimes I just let that slightly selfish side of me takes over - especially when that particular black handbag stares me right in the face everytime I pass it! *grin*


Blogger elisataufik said...

huu huuuuu :(
takde duit.....

10:36 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...


5:30 PM  

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