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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


If freckles were lovely, and day was night,
And measles were nice and a lie warn't a lie,     
Life would be delight,-     
But things couldn't go right          
For in such a sad plight
I wouldn't be I.
If earth was heaven, and now was hence,
And past was present, and false was true,     
There might be some sense          
But I'd be in suspense     
For on such a pretense
You wouldn't be you.
If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee     
Things would seem fair,-     
Yet they'd all despair,     
For if here was there
We wouldn't be we.

-ee cummings, 1910-


Blogger Elly said...

I love freckles... I really do. I wish I had some.

6:18 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

A beautician once told me before that as people age, some might get freckles. Don't know la how true this is. But maybe you're one of them, who knows?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Elly said...

No... I think she was talking of pigmentation rather than freckles per se. Hmm...

6:22 PM  

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