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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Easy Way Out

A colleague came over to our workstation today to promote a new product that she was using. Some miracle cream that promises instant results on wrinkles, eye bags, skin, extra weight and other areas that basically needs fixing. Apparently, once you use this RM250++ wonder, you could see the results in a few days! Our staff asked me whether I believe in these so-called instant-results beauty products (like those tummy trim cream "…guaranteed to shed inches off you within 10 minutes!" or those 6-week-whitening -stuff that promises "..more date proposals when you are lighter" *roll eyes*). Well, I am certainly not ready to part with my non-existent money and even if I do have it, I don’t think I even want to try. Plus, my thinking was (and still is) that if these things really work as they claim so, wouldn’t everyone who has weight or skin or whatever problems dash to the nearest store and get them? The mentioned staff however, said she almost bought a breast enhancement product if she wasn’t stopped by the husband who was concerned about the chemical side effect. She said the advertisement showed ordinary people with tremendous results, then it must be real.

Which got me into thinking on how we as consumers are easily influenced. In fact, I admit that I am too, as gullible and as proof, I have a bottle of Colgate Whitening and a box of Slimming Tea sitting on my dressing table (I can’t vouch whether they work or not since I don’t use/take them as religiously as I should!). And the number of times I am tempted to buy those Fair & Lovely products everytime I come back from my tournaments or beach holidays…*shaking head*. We can’t actually blame the companies – they are merely doing their part marketing the products. As smart consumers, it is up to us to either blindly believing their claims or vice versa. That brings me back to my original question – if these things really work, how come so little people are using them?

I guess for the moment, I am quite happy with my skin tone and the traditional way of losing weight. Yes, yes..I might have to be more disciplined in the exercise bit, and cutting down on carbo, bla-bla-bla…but I don’t think I want to blow my ringgits and sens taking the short cut that does not guarantee me anything.

*Note to self:  Need to figure a quick, acceptable way to lose some inches in 2..oops..make that 1 ½ month. Need to fit into that dress for Gorgeous’ wedding plus win that bet with MJ and Mommy. Help!*

P/S: Chitosan and Whitening Body Lotion, anybody? *sheepish grin*


Blogger elisataufik said...

ahah! Found you via Elida's blog..! My dilligent comment reading has finally paid off :) I have found the elusive besut-girl :)

Will link ya! :)

4:42 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

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6:48 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Hehe..welcome Elisa and do drop in whenever!

6:48 PM  

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