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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Friday, October 12, 2007

It's raya time again

The office is so quiet today that you can actually an ant crawl!

Told my boss yesterday that I am leaving at 12. Maybe an hour at the mall (since my baju raya tak sempat siap) then off to pick Lil Cub up to go back to Daddy's kampung. I realised I haven't packed anything for the overnight at the mansion (jeng jeng jeng) and our trip back to Terengganu.

Speaking of which by the way, Mom is upset with me again. Yeah, a day before raya and she merajuk that we are only leaving KL on the 2nd day afternoon. I think sometimes she forgets the fact that I am a married woman and Buster comes first. For the past 2 years Buster has been giving in and we spent the first 3 days in Terengganu. All he asked for this year is only a day and a half with his family. Dia kan anak lelaki...I don't know how to make her see this. *sigh*

Hope she will be better once she sees Lil Cub.

On a happier note - here's wishing everyone:

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir Batin and see you after the festivities!