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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, December 11, 2006

Oh dearie me..

It was a tense moment. Buster and GG were at each other's throat..they were literally screaming at one another. I guess coming from a family where shouting is not a norm, it was a scary sight. I even took Lil Cub into the room and put him to sleep.

I didn't want to take sides. As much as I admit that Buster shouldn't have blew his top, some of the things said to him wasn't fair to begin with. There he was, sacrificing OUR family time (Sundays are supposed to be time for Lil Cub and me) to set up the PC for the kids, and he was scolded just because he asked the maids to clean up the area. *Apparently, he asks them to do EVERYTHING!* Words were spat out, tempers raised and if not for Daddy and the elder brother..I have a strong feeling it might have been even more serious.

I came out of the room an hour later to clean Lil Cub and saw them activating the Net together under the watchful eye of ECH. Alhough things looked better, I guess certain things has been said out in the open. Buster was still upset. We only left the mansion at almost 4 pm, leaving only a precious couple of hours for us before we go home and retire for the day.

I didn't say much about the fight - it was between the siblings. But again, some of the things said offended me as well. I guess now I kinda confirmed what I suspected all these while.

And although I know (and resigned to) the fact that I come second after Daddy in Buster's life, sometimes it makes me wonder: Do I come after his other family members as well? The ones who seldom appreciate him for what he does around the house? The ones who take our presence for granted? The ones who have no respect to our space, time and things around the mansion? Is it fair for him to sacrifice time with Lil Cub and me for THEM?!


Maybe it's just the time of the month. But hey, I don't even get PMS nowadays..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lioness,

Buster loves you. He is so proud of you and care a lot for you. I can assure that....

Sometimes he can be mean and asshole, but he is a GREAT person, indeed. I learned a lot from him. Buster knows that lately, he misses the quality time that he shud spend for you and the lil cubby a.k.a Buster Jr., he will make it up for both of you..



10:05 AM  

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