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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lambaian Ka'abah

My parents are bringing Buster, T and myself to visit the Holy Land. It'll be the second time for most, and Buster's first visit. Although I am (sort of) mentally prepared, physically I am a bit down. And yes, I could do with a little more reading to refresh myself.

The bag is still half packed, and eventhough dear Dr S gave me MC for the day, I am still in the office trying to tie lose ends. The Crazy One is panicking that I am leaving the office for 7 WORKING days. Yup, she has been telling everyone I'll be gone for 2 weeks. *sheesh*

I am excited. I am nervous. I am happy. I am panicking. I am a mixture of many things right now. But most of all, I can't wait to see Masjidil Haram again.

Thanks to all the well-wishers. I shall pray for you, insya Allah.

Mood of the moment : Excited


Blogger binx said...

have a good trip..
u can try reading "Virtues of Haj" if u can get ur hands on it.. it's a very good book..

u can rest on the plane.. don't worry.. insyallah by the time u reach ur destination, u tak rasa penat anymore..

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Drop by from DG's blog. So you're making the trip too? So am I:) When are you heading? May Allah protect you in your journey. Ameen.


10:30 PM  
Blogger Dade Ghost said...

InsyAllah, I will be there again too (But dont know when la!).... Only those that have been there understand the feelings of yearning to be there.... if possible all the time... At one time I was thinking of buying an apartment there.... maybe I should start dreaming again....hehehe...
Lioness... dont care la about the women... and be as pure as u can be there.... InsyAllah...
Nour and Lioness, maybe u should change hp number, who knows can meet there???? That will be interesting...

9:17 AM  
Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...

Dear, I know I've wished you selamat yesterday, but what the heck? I'm gonna wish you again.

May Allah bless your journey, and may Allah bless you & your family.

Can't wait till you're back! Office sunyi daaa.... :(

9:39 AM  
Blogger atiza said...

Again, I wish you have a safe journey. Take care. :)

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are lucky. Have a good trip. A trip with purpose

2:02 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

i can feel your mixed bags of emotions, but most of all the excitement is contagious...i so wanna go there again.. have a safe trip..may it bring blessings and deep meaning to u and your family.. Do pray for all of us, too.. and please pray that I'll get to go there again soon... thanks! :-)

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labbaikallah humma labbaik...

Kucing ku mengigau lagi
Dia kata kat Masjid Nabawi
Neneknya hilang di balik tiang
Dilarikan oleh jutaan orang

He he.

Selamat menunaikan ibadah Umrah Lion3ss and family. Semoga mendapat umrah yang mabrur.

ray and the muslim cats

11:26 AM  
Blogger elisataufik said...

ray ni tak habis2 cerita dia hilang nenek dia.. ha ha
lioness: I'm sure you'll be reading this after you dah balik, so hope u had a good trip :)

8:55 PM  
Blogger famyGirl said...

selamat pergi and pulang...

looking forward to read about the trip.

5:07 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

binx : Thanks. True - I slept most of the journey and was really fresh when I arrived. Tapi balik sini a different story la kan?

Nour : Welcome. Went there on the 1st and came back Sunday. And you?

DG : Insya Allah. Buster's cousin is now there, living up to her dreams of staying near Masjidil Haraam.

2:31 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Leez : It was a good trip, thanks. Now that I am back, I expect updates!

atiza : Thanks.

lollies : Alhamdulillah, it was a blessing.

Marina : I know what you mean, I just came back, and can't wait to go again! Insya Allah you'll visit soon. Maybe this time, with the significant other!

2:34 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Ray and cats: Hehehe..thanks. Hj Malim kena cuci kaki before tidur so that dia tak mengigau.

elisa : Thanks, I did. Maybe next trip I can make a pit stop to your new home? *winks*

famy : Thank you. Soon I hope!

2:37 PM  

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