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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Friday, January 07, 2005

It's finally Friday again..

After what has been a tremendously LOOOOOONG week, it is finally Friday!

Before I forgot, thank you for the suggestions and well wishes concerning the incident with Crazy Woman. *Trust me, when I call her Crazy Woman there is a valid reason!*

Had soft shell crab for lunch aka counseling session with Ziggy. Mrs Chip, who are also in the middle of rebelling against her boss joined us. Ziggy, God bless her, tried to give her view from both sides - as an ikan bilis as well as a manager. But one thing for sure, she agreed that my boss was indeed...errr..wacko. Hehehe..

Tomorrow we're going to Pak Long's wedding reception. My dearest uncle, got married in a small ceremony last month to his girlfriend of six years. After being a divorcee for the past 10 years, he has finally found the person to share his love and life again. Aunty Rosie, is a extremely nice lady who shares the same passion for art and education with him. All of us are just so happy and excited!

This reception in turn make up a good excuse for me to turn down the 'chance' for me to appear in an RTM telemovie. Since they needed someone who can play tennis and look young enough to pass for 18, Nur proposed my name. Not only that I have to wear long pants and look ugly, I needed to lose to the heroin. *rolls eyes* Guess MJ would have to do it alone..muahahaha... ]

Me, acting? Maybe not!

*No Gemini, this doesn't mean I won't help out in your next movie!*

Well, enough for today. Am off for my evening walk. Have a great weekend, beautiful people!


Blogger ADLIZA HIZAN said...

WhoAaAAa... cayalaa... spotted talent nampak?? hehe.. Well, too bad you passed it up though.. Would have been looking forward to your 'acting'.. hahaha...

And congratulations to your uncle.. I'm happy for him :). Mabruk!

10:07 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Hey Leez. Glad to know that you've succumbed to the world of blogging.

Well, thank goodness I couldn't become an extra that day. According to MJ, she was only paid RM30 bucks and had to stay quite long there..just for a few seconds worth of footage!

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...passed for 18?? I thot last time you failed for 25. Have you invented time-machine and you're not telling me about?? hehe

*sigh* I could've had an actress sis. Money should not matters. You should go for glamorous life. I can be your agent, and I would call for press conference. Next day's newspaper headline would be: "a telemovie actress donated all her earning to Tsunami victims." ...only those people close to you know that it is only 30 bucks...hahahah

9:11 AM  

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