I think I just commited a career suicide..
I don't know what just happened, but I kinda shouted at Crazy Woman.
She asked for it a long time ago, I did it. She never followed up and went for a 3 week holiday. Cruella asked again yesterday, and she jumped.
Told her she wasn't quite a good boss to never be sure of what she wants, and that no, she has never actually listened to me.
She answered back saying that I never came to ask for guidance. And that she is jittery that this little project is not moving as well as it should.
I left her room. She went to the pantry for a listening ear.
I feel like going home. But she is still missing.
Should I just leave whatever she asked for on her table and go?
Or is that like another suicide mission?
She asked for it a long time ago, I did it. She never followed up and went for a 3 week holiday. Cruella asked again yesterday, and she jumped.
Told her she wasn't quite a good boss to never be sure of what she wants, and that no, she has never actually listened to me.
She answered back saying that I never came to ask for guidance. And that she is jittery that this little project is not moving as well as it should.
I left her room. She went to the pantry for a listening ear.
I feel like going home. But she is still missing.
Should I just leave whatever she asked for on her table and go?
Or is that like another suicide mission?
Naaaah. She will come to her senses.
haiyo..small litlle thing only maa
So sorry to menyebuk. A piece of advise from me, woman bosses are like that, live with it. Whether we like it or not, just go with her flow. If you want to tender resignation, then it's another ball-game altogether. But, one day you will become a supervisor, boss whatever, and at that time you will realised that you will indirectly become just like her. Trust me, I've been there.
Her Holy Craziness is notorious in the organisation for this kind of antic la. Trust me, she will NOT come to her senses. Not this lifetime.
Tempted to tell you that it is not a big deal. Only to realise that it is not a big deal to ME. Sure as hell it is a big deal to YOU.
Learn the lessons from this episode and one day, be a much better Boss. If in abt 10 years you find yourself being a Boss just like her, then you've lost the plot.
In the meantime, continue doing your work with passion and a keen sense of integrity. That'll save your soul in the long run. How you handle yourself in this episode will decide the stuff that you're made of.
Call me if you need to talk, ok?
Yeah, she will come to her senses. Now, just go with the flow. :)
take inventory -- look and see where you currently stand in the organisation and if you are currently among those identified future potentials. if it is more +ve, take that chance now -- go upstairs. in the corporate world there are always escalation processes; this seems like a needed opportunity, now. sounds like the less-blessed boss will not change; ditto comments from others here.
in short, go see your boss, structure your approach -- ensure objectivity in the approach. prepare a long/medium list of examples stating your case in the year passed.
do these NOW. procrastinate and the odds will be against you, as in all cases, as in life..
as far as termination is concerned, this is nowhere near that option. as far as the rest of your career is concerned, well, it can't be worse than what that ..*&%^boss is putting you through.
the corporate world is never a pretty one. decide which fence you want to be on, decide what is truly right -- and you'll be able to sleep better, irregardless of results.
in any case, saying one's mind especially when they are certain they are right is always something to be proud of (minus any ego ;)
Sorry for not logging in for quite some times. Was trying to find my true self...again..in view of this new year.
Still hanging on to your job?? If not, I guess Glenn's Januari should suit just right as your theme song. hehe.
Anyway...a story for you (probably you've heard):
A tourist once ask the the Great Barrier Reef's tourist-guide, "why the the lagoon side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful?"
The guide gave an interesting answer: "the coral around the lagoon side is in the still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves, storms-surges of power. It has to fight for survival everyday for its life. As it challenged and tested, it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces."
Thst's the way it is with every living organism. That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive! Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness.
With these...whenever you have problems, just tell yourself, "there I grow again!"
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