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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Who let the dogs out?

I am back! It was a well deserved break, and I came back feeling slightly refreshed. Until I stepped back into the office *yuck*. Then I realised, nothing has changed. Time just paused for a while in good ol' Phnom Penh, but nothing else has changed, especially at the workfront. The good thing is, Cruella has been out of my way these few months. But on the other hand, my new boss aka Crazy Woman is as terrible. No wonder they told me I was 'keluar mulut harimau, masuk mulut buaya'. The two seniors in my unit have started looking for other opportunities, so she is even more upset. And mind you, it is not a pretty sight when she's upset..*enters Hulk OST*

Accompanied the larger-than-life-mother-to-be sis-in-law to look for her Horlicks tablets and lip balm last night. *When I say larger-than-life, I mean it literally. She is sooo huge nowadays!* We ended up in the Sleep Shop looking at beds instead. The bed I wanted was no longer on sale, but Jiji's Safe n Sound mattress was. Spent a good half hour looking at everything on the shelf (with non-stop explanation by the sales assistant) only to tell the guy we'll be back some other time. Poor guy. Oh, and a quick stop at Mothercare. Of course, the accountant in Jiji had her calculating everything - the exchange rate, the postal fare (if she asks Ain to get stuff in London), the upcoming sale, aaand if she gets things as presents later. She's calculative like that. But let her loose when she is in her mood to shop, she'll come back with a car load of baby things. Trust me, we saw it last weekend. Chu is still staring in disbelieve at his credit card bill until now! *grin*

Slept over at aunt's to spend some time with Wan. She is getting better, at least her headaches are getting milder. She's moving to another aunt's place today, which is closer to our place. Maybe I could trick her into spending next weekend at my place instead. Hmmm.. *devising plan*. Found out she'll be spending raya in KL. Guess there'll be no cousins in KT this year then. With Aefy all the way in Riyadh and NKN coming back only on the 4th day, it'll be a quiet Aidilfitri.

Err..wait, it'll be Mama's last open house before she retires, so maybe not. *Note to self: Get old baju kurungs handy to adopt role as helper cum dishwasher.*

On the homefront, BW is back today *sigh*. Can't wait for the weekend to be home with the boys. Stories on getaway might follow soon. Whenever Crazy Woman is not freaking out and barking last minute orders..


Blogger the intrepid traveller said...

who's CRAZY WOMAN? hehe..i know Cruella though..thanks for posting a comment in my blog..no juicy stuff write to write yet..

2:28 PM  
Blogger the intrepid traveller said...

who's CRAZY WOMAN? hehe..i know Cruella though..thanks for posting a comment in my blog..no juicy stuff to write yet..

2:29 PM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

Hey Gemini, I know you're excited to comment *wink* but no need to put three times! Oooh, you wouldn't wanna know Crazy Woman, trust me.

2:45 PM  

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