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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Thursday, December 27, 2007

On days like these, I feel like playing sick

Most of the people in the office are still on leave, and although I managed to get a few things out of the way, I feel so malas! The good news is that the Rabbit is on leave *YAY*. Oh yeah, there has been a change in the Throne Occupant a.k.a. my boss. Milk has left for a more challenging assignment and hence Rabbit (another previous boss) is now in her place. With Rabbot - you are expected to be in the office BEFORE 8, but not necessarily leave BEFORE 6. *stress*

All I can think of right now is my comfy bed and snuggling in it with Lil Cub.

Speaking of which,he is getting naughtier and cheekier by the day! He has learned to test his limits and that in turn challenges his Dad's patience. I flinch everytime he gets scolded or 'babap-ed' by Daddy. I never thought I'd be the nice one (or in Buster's word - the WEAK one) when it comes to disciplining Lil Cub! And for the past few days, he just refuses to eat at home. I dunno whether he is tired of the food at home or what, but thank God he drinks his milk like a good boy. Maybe I shoud give him Appet0n? Hmmm..

Well, back to work. Not that I feel like doing any right now *sigh*


Blogger Aku cinta kau dan dia said...

Bapak Lil Cub memang suka "babap" orang :)

12:59 AM  

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