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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tag - You're It

Was tagged by Tink.

I don't think anyone reads this nowadays, so I shall not tag anyone. But feel free to try it.

Layer One : On The Outside
Name : Me
Birthdate: 0103…am a fish!
Current Status: Woman. Wife. Mom.
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Layer Two : On The Inside
My Heritage: Err..I think quite a mix. Mostly Malay with a hint of Jawa and Siam.
My Fears: Losing my loved ones.
My Weaknesses: Lil Cub’s grin, and FOOD!
My Perfect Pizza: Loads of cheese, thin and crispy.

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first thing when I wake up: Only xxx more days to the weekend…
My bedtime: About 10-ish...maybe later on weekends.
My most missed memory: Going out for midnight movies with NickNice or Buster (pre Lil Cub) on weekends followed by the tarik at the nearby mamak.

Layer Four: My picks
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald’s or Burger King: Would have to be McD.
Single or Group Dates: Hahahaha..this is so 114 years ago!
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla for ice cream, Chocolate for everything else
Cappucino or Coffee: Milo

Layer Five: Do I
Smoke: Nope.
Curse: When I am all stressed out (which is often nowadays).
Take a shower: Err..of course?
Have a crush: Now? Hmmm..on Peter and Micah of Heroes
Think I’ve Been In love: You think?
Go to school: Yups.
Want to get married: I did ... I freaked out… I did again…and finally did.
Believe in myself: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
Think I’m a health freak: I would like to think I am. But let’s be honest… I WAS.

Layer Six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: No..but err..eating something with alcohol dioesn’t count right?
Gone to the mall: Every SINGLE day. I work in one.
Been on stage: Only as an event management member
Eaten Sushi: Yes…err..wait..that was last month..so..NO.
Dyed your hair: No.
Layer Seven: Have I ever
Played a stripping game: No.
Changed who I am to fit in: Yes. I didn’t like it, so did my friends.

Layer Eight: Age
I am hoping to be married: Hahahahaha…

Layer Nine: What was I doing
1 min ago: Gossiping with colleagues
1 hour ago: Having lunch with the Henry Gurney gang
4.5 hours ago: Completing a presentation for Dutch Lady
1 month ago: Trying to understand the drama in Buster’s family
1 year ago: Walking as slow as a hippo and hoping Lil Cub would arrive faster.

Layer Ten: Finish The Sentence
I love: kissing Lil Cub cheeks
I feel: like ice-cream after work.
I hate: doing the laundry.
I hide: my credit card bills.
I need: to finish my work now.


Blogger Dade Ghost said...

Nak tanya la Lioness, kamu ni ada sikit Jawa asal mana??

11:50 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

My grandfather was from Muar..he was Javanese

3:52 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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3:25 PM  

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