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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Monday, December 19, 2005

Breaking the silence..

Gosh, I just realised how long I haven't been writing. Maybe it is because the little time I have after office hours and during lunch. Since I have been starting this habit of going down for lunch again, and leaving slightly after 5.30 p.m. The fallback of doing so, apart from never getting to type my scribbling is that I don't get to save as much money. Lunch here is EXPENSIVE! Not that there are no cheapo places nearby, I am just too lazy to drag my now-very-big-butt out of the complex. Serves me right when I got comments like 'Waaah, you takde shape la sekarang!' (Courtesy of Cindy the consultant and Ms Gold the tailor). *PFFFT*

Aaaanyway, it is already the start of the 3rd week of December. I am getting more and more excited by the day because:

a) Crazy is on leave. Enuff said.
b) I'll be on leave starting this Friday until next year
c) Mama and Aboh are coming for Edie's wedding this weekend and staying for a bit.
d) I get to play Eric Leong for T's new apartment, once his wiring and plastering work is done.
e) I'll be AWAY from the office *YAAAAY!*

On a more interesting front, my long-awaited holiday may just materialise. Not one, but TWO!Although the tickets for the first one is still on wait list *sigh*, Emm has managed to grab FREE tickets for us girls to go for our beach holiday in February! Oooh, the idea of sun and sea is just so very tempting.

*Note to self : Need to tone up and get some 'shape'.*

T is staying with u s for the time being. He calls himself the squatter, but I am secretly glad. With him around, the house looks more 'lived-in' rather than a place to sleep. Plus, we get to be home more than those stop-overs and sleep-overs in Daddy's place. T is also rather helpful around the house. At least, the laundry doesn't take 2 days out to dry and the garbage is always taken out on time.

Enough ramblings for the day. Meeting awaits.


Blogger lion3ss said...

Hi DG! Long time no hear.. T can cook la..masak air ngan maggi..hehehe.

12:15 PM  
Blogger famyGirl said...

waaaah... enjoy your well-deserved vacation okay? have fun!!!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Oreos said...

ever considered increasing the font size? my weary eyes can't read too well ;)

6:49 PM  
Blogger binx said...

not one.. but two holidays?
me now very green with envy...

have great holiday n happy new year!

10:34 PM  
Blogger atiza said...

can pass me one of your hols please...
no money but I want a breakkkkkkk...

(have to make it more dramatic to support my rationale for you to give me one of your booked hols :))

:)) could also mean double chin

10:38 AM  
Blogger lion3ss said...

famygirl : Will definitely!

Oreos : Will keep that in mind for the next entry.
*passes reading glasses to oreos*

binx : Did you try the website? You can go too you know.. *winks*

atiza : As I was telling binx, Air Asia is giving out 2mil free tickets. That's how I could afford mine! *tickles atiza's double chin*

4:01 PM  

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