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Random Thoughts of a Lioness

The reward of conformity was that everyone liked you, except yourself.


This is me. Like it or not. 'I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions' - Dorothy Day, 1952

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

And the war continues..

I was getting ready or my afternoon nap when suddenly the Nosy Secretary Lady (NSL) made herself comfortable at my cubicle. Eventhough she could clearly see that I was already fluffing my pillow and taking off my shoes to have my slumber under the desk, she just didn't stop talking. At first it was the typical office gossip that didn't make much sense (maybe due to the fact that I was half asleep). Suddenly, in between me getting up to move to my sleeping area and her yacking, the unspoken war between Cruella and SEM came up.

This 'war' has been going on eversince I moved here. You hear Cruella saying this and that about SEM to almost everyone in the office, but never to his face. NSL often becomes the middle person to send 'indirect' messages to us, and to SEM sometimes (although I am not quite sure whether she actually likes the role). I can't understand why Cruella doesn't just have a chat with SEM especially since she was the one who brought him here in the first place. Today's piece of news is the worse one I've heard so far. Apparently, Cruella plans to fail SEM in his upcoming assessment under the pretext that he is not doing the assignment given to him in the first place. Gosh, it is like given a sentence even before he is proven guilty!

A senior of mine, who has been noticing the 'war' from below mentioned to me earlier that one of us here should at least prepare SEM for the worse. No, not to become the batu api or something but just to let him know what might be coming. Eleanora's husband thinks so too. After all, SEM is a fairly nice person, and I personally, like the way he works.

The question that comes to mind is that what will happen to us if Cruella finds out? I, for one, do not want to cross her path and get smacked right in the middle of the office politics. I have seen what happens to the people whom she feels crossed her in one way or another, and it is just not pretty. On the other hand - poor, poor SEM.

I don't know.

* Just got an sms from BW asking if I could take care of dinner tonight since she has an urgent meeting - just as I thought I get to be away from the house on Wednesdays, at least till the workshop ends..sigh*


Blogger lion3ss said...

Hi Honey! So sorry I didn't tell you about the move. No probs - link away! Am learning how to put the tagboard in actually. Any tips?

1:26 PM  

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